The General Rule of Flax Seed Storage:
Whole Seeds
3 years
4 Years
5 Years
Ground Seeds
1.5 Years
2 Years
2.5 Years
Because Flax seeds are rich in unsaturated fats, their shelf life is short as compared to other grains and nuts. If refrigerated, whole seeds can stay fresh up to 5 years (frozen) without showing any signs or symptoms of rancidity.
Flax seeds can be ordered in their ground or whole form. If you are seeking flax for nutritional purposes, then you should go for the ground form, because the whole grains pass through your gut un-digested, and the nutritional value of the flax is absorbed as well.
Many people prefer to order whole flax seed and grind it as needed. You can use a seed grinder, or even a coffee grinder.
It is important to place flax in an air-tight container, out of direct sunlight, because air and sunlight may cause the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids that could eventually lead to spoilage.
Flax is blended in cereals and in different granolas. They are used in muffins and in making smoothies, to enhance their taste and nutritional value. Flax is a significant part of many diets, due to their antioxidant properties. Due to their antioxidant properties, they are used in creating a special herbal diet for cancer patients that involves the mixing of flax seed oil with a fixed ratio of cottage cheese. Flax seeds are a must in every diet.
Follow the simple rules for storing your flax as shown above, and your flax will be good and good for you until you eat it and enjoy its many nutritional benefits.
How long does ground flaxseed last in the refrigerator?
Ground flaxseed, or as we’ve established, flaxseed meal, is a bit like that fresh avocado you forget about in the fridge. It’s good for a while, but not forever.
If you store it in an airtight container in the fridge, it could last y years, but you should check it at about 6 to 8 weeks to ensure it has been stored properly.
But hey, if you’re using it as often as you should for all those health benefits, it won’t last that long anyway!
Just remember, if it starts smelling like a fish market, it’s time to say goodbye.