Looking to add some flaxseeds into your meals? Why not save a few dollars and buy in bulk! We offer smaller bags that are 2.25 lbs but if your looking to make a long term change in your diet our 40 pound bag of Nature’s gem Premium Ground Golden Flax might be right up your alley!
Our Flax seeds are low in carbohydrates and are a great addition to smoothies, cereals, and can even be used in baking! Our flaxseed are family farm grown, cleaned, carefully selected, and packaged in Northern Minnesota. This selection process results in our product being 99.9% pure premium, mature, plump, and uniform food grade product. It is also important to let our customers that our flaxseed is not genetically engineered. So how about give us a try? We value our customers and we love the feedback!
Nature’s Gem Premium Ground Golden Flaxseed
(1) 40 lb Bag. Same great quality as our smaller packages. This is an excellent choice for those wanting to buy in a larger quantity to save money.
*Helpful Tip: Customers may repackage bulk flax into gallon size ziplock containers (approximately 4lb each) to maintain quality and freshness.